Working Together: Amazing Animal Builders! Brought to you by the Children's Museum of NH
Please Note: There will be no live animals at this event.
Ages 5-10. Registration required and will open on June 20th.
64 E Broadway, Derry NH | 03038 | (603) 432-6140 | Hours
Please Note: There will be no live animals at this event.
Ages 5-10. Registration required and will open on June 20th.
Bees, Bees, Bees! We will be working with the Derry Garden Club to create a pollinator garden. We will also be painting mason bee houses to put in this garden.
Required age to work in the garden is 7 yrs and above. There will be a bee craft for younger children.
Registration required! Registration opens June 6th
Let's decorate the library and all around Derry with Kindness Rocks and Paper Chains! We will work "All Together Now" to make cool rock designs and an epic paper chain we will decorate with our favorite things to do!
All ages. Registration required and will open on June 1st.
Let's get "All Together Now" and dance up a storm to kick off Summer Reading 2023! Wear something white or flourescent bright, and we will all shine under the glow lights!
Let's get "All Together Now" and dance up a storm to kick off Summer Reading 2023! Wear something white or flourescent bright, and we will all shine under the glow lights!
All ages. Registration recommended and will open on May 30th.
We will be accepting donations for the Food Pantry and the Humane Society at the event!
Recommended Donations are:
Join Mr. Ray for an all ages family storytime featuring fun stories and songs. Weather permitting, this storytime will be outside on the patio, otherwise we will meet in the Meeting Room.
Join Mr. Ray for an all ages family storytime featuring fun stories and songs. Weather permitting, this storytime will be outside on the patio, otherwise we will meet in the Meeting Room.
Join Mr. Ray for an all ages family storytime featuring fun stories and songs. Weather permitting, this storytime will be outside on the patio, otherwise we will meet in the Meeting Room.