Your Derry Public Library Card gives you access to free eAudios, eBooks and eMagazines on your mobile and eReader devices.

We currently offer two platforms for borrowing Downloadables, both of which are directly searchable in our catalog.



Libby LogoOverdrive offers eBooks, eAudios and eMagazines:

The NH Downloadable Books Consortium (Overdrive/Libby) is a service of more than 200 public libraries and the New Hampshire State Library.

Check out the NHDB Libguide for general information as well as troubleshooting tips.



Cloud LibrarycloudLibrary by bibliotheca, also offers eBooks and eAudios.

These titles have been provided by the GMILCS Consortium of libraries. Find out more about how cloudLibrary works.



The Derry Public Library guarantees the confidentiality of your library account per RSA 201-D:11 as it applies to our automated library system and services we provide.  However, you are not guaranteed privacy through downloadable services such as Overdrive, Cloud Library,  Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Please be aware that your information may not be held confidential through these services.