An Introduction to Toys and Sustainability- A NH Toy Panel Event
Note: This will be presented via Zoom. This is presented via the New Hampshire Toy Library. The Derry Public Library is advertising, rather than hosting, this program.
64 E Broadway, Derry NH | 03038 | (603) 432-6140 | Hours
We have a new look coming! In a few weeks, our website, museum pass page, and calendar will look a little different.
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve your library experience!
Note: This will be presented via Zoom. This is presented via the New Hampshire Toy Library. The Derry Public Library is advertising, rather than hosting, this program.
Note: This will be presented via Zoom. This is presented via the New Hampshire Toy Library. The Derry Public Library is advertising, rather than hosting, this program.
Join the NH Toy Library Director, Marisa Rafal, via Zoom to learn about free summer fun across New Hampshire!
Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 at 7:00
Presenting the winners of the MacGregor Poetry Contest!
Come and see the winners of the adult contest and MacGregor Jr read their poems and receive their prizes. Our head judge will have a brief word about why each poem was awarded.
Refreshments will be served.
Learn how to use Tinkercad to design a 3D printable item.. and then print it!
This is a repeat of the 3/1 event. If you attended that one, please let other people register for this week's class.
Join us to watch the eclipse! We will have cookies and lemonade, as well as a limited supply of glasses. We do recommend bringing your own if you have them, or bringing alternative viewing methods, such as a pinhole viewer.
Go here for NASA safety tips:
Learn how to use Tinkercad to design a 3D printable item.. and then print it!
All ages welcome to this amazing nature program, featuring real animals!
Meet the TAILWINDS team of educational birds and learn about your diurnal and nocturnal raptor neighbors. You will recognize these birds and have an opportunity to learn about adaptations that give them superpowers! Learn about their habitat and behavior in the wild to allow us to co-exist with these impressive neighbors.
Join us at The Derry Public Library lower-level meeting room with your children ages 0-6 to connect with other families, make a child-friendly craft, enjoy snacks, stories, and useful parenting tips and resources followed by an interactive playtime.
Note: This will be presented via Zoom. This is presented via the New Hampshire Toy Library. The Derry Public Library is advertising, rather than hosting, this program.
Join Abby Moser and Kendra Perry, UNH Dietetics Masters Interns with Nutrition Connections, for tips and tricks on adding more fruits and veggies into children's diets.
RPGs are back at DPL!
Journey to the west marches of the Elbrus Archipelago in search of adventure in a new tabletop RPG series hosted at Derry Public Library. Create a character of your own, or choose one from our selection of pre-made characters, and take them on an adventure! Can't make it for a week or two? No problem! All adventures are free to join and episodic, meaning that you can come or go as you please. Each adventure earns gold and experience for your character, as well as a raffle ticket for prizes at the season's end.